Arctic Fox Foxology
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    Birthstone Sale

    Shop 10% OFF Arctic Mist, Girl Night and Poison to get the perfect pastel inspired by opalescent pearl! 

    To create this dreamy shade, you start with a base of Arctic Mist and add a dollop of Girls Night and a drop of Poison. Isn't it lovely?

    On their own:

    Arctic Mist Diluter can turn any shade more pastel. Additionally, It's the ideal base for mixing up a custom color since it blends seamlessly in with other AF shades.

    Poison is that true fiery red that dilutes to a peach ! Poison at full strength can be used on level 7+ hair. If you want to use the diluted version you can customize it to your base color! 

    Girls Night is our go-to pastel lilac. This baby is already a pastel and works best on level 10 hair! Some people use diluted Girls Night as a soft lilac toning mix. 

    Have questions?  Email us at for custom color help!

    Sale valid 6/2- 6/5 midnight PST.  

    Arctic Mist + Girls Night + Poison 


    Poison + Arctic Mist

    Girls Night + Arctic Mist


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    Lavender Hair Dye - 0 Lavender Hair Dye - 0
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    *Greece has a three-item limit due to customs restrictions* close