Common Hair Dye Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
@briannahoang in Poison
No need to worry about a hair-tastrophe over here! With us in your corner, you’ll be safe from the most common hair dye mistakes and get your dream hair every time.
If you’ve been here a while, you already know how your fav AF shades show up boldly on their own, and brilliantly in mixes. Our formulations are always vegan and cruelty-free, not to mention packed with hydration so you’re already caring for your hair even when you’re coloring it!
Now that we have that covered, it’s a good time to say hair dye mistakes can, and DO happen (We’ve all seen ‘em.) Here are our top hair dye hazards to watch out for, and how to fix them.
Choosing the wrong color for your current hair level
Picking a color that won’t show up on your hair’s current level might not be a total hair disaster, but it can be anticlimactic when you’re all amped and hyped for a bold new shade, and your results are a bit lower than anticipated.
It’s important to know your hair level BEFORE picking a color so it shows up as vividly as it's meant to. Don’t know what a hair level is and how to figure it out? You know we got that covered, right here!
And always ALWAYS do a strand test! You’ll be able to see how the color will actually take on your hair, before going full steam ahead and pouring a new color over your tresses. If the color doesn’t pop the way you wanted, refer back to our blog on WTF is a hair level? And the tried and true color wheel breakdown to test something else. Once you're happy, it’s time to apply your new hue.
If you have darker hair and you’re not totally down to lighten it, this range of shades will be your bestie as you dip your toes into the world of vivids!

Switching your hair color shade
Shifting gears from one shade to the next is an obvious moment in time where there can be some kind of hair color implosion you just didn’t see coming. If you want to avoid this mistake you need to be well prepared and armed with the knowledge you need to switch.
Let’s give you a few pro tips on the process. If you’re currently rocking a blue hue and want to pick up a vibrant new shade, it’s a step by step process. First up we need to fade that shade a little lighter. Once the blue has faded to something lighter, it is ready to take a hot new color - but some shades will work better than others.
Purples, and lavender shades work well with blues, as do greens like turquoise or teal. Even a pink shade like Virgin Pink can look unreal over a blue tone!
If you’re changing color and need to counteract orange or brassy tones with a red, orange or yellow tinge running through the strands, then color theory can point us in the right direction to neutralize those unwanted tones. For brassiness, the tones are orange or yellow, so consult the wheel to see which colors sit opposite to cancel out excess warmth.
If you want to get a grasp of the basics of color theory, head right this way. We have a full blog on the color wheel that you can take learnings and inspiration from. Hair learning nerds assemble!
And if you’re a visual learner, watch @stellacini (aka the color shifting MASTER) transform her copper base into this gorgeous emerald. Are you kidding!?
Leaving the dye on for the right length of time
If you’re a first-time dye-er, you might be unsure how long you can actually leave the dye on for before it, idk, totally ruins the look you were going for.
The upside is you're in the right place, Fox. Some dyes are harsh to hair, but AF dyes are safe to leave on for long periods of time. So make sure you let the dye sit for a while so it can be absorbed by your strands, and your resulting color will knock it out of the park.
A longer processing time will allow your hair to absorb MORE color and get that vibrant shade you’re going for. Conversely taking the dye off too soon reduces the processing time and the dye won’t penetrate the hair enough to achieve the intended color.
There are various other factors here, such as the color you are covering and the tone you are shifting to. If you have followed our other tips on fading your hair gradually to get the right hair level before coloring, then the color will take well when left on for the correct amount of time…. AND your awesome new color will last much longer.
@thegothwife in Transylvania, Aquamarine, and Poseidon
Not understanding your hair type
Your hair type has a HUGE influence on how hair dye is absorbed by your stands. Our vegan hair formula is safe to use on all hair types - straight hair, curls, waves, spirals and corkscrew hair - they all look to DYE for in AF colors. Different hair types absorb color differently however, so it’s worth figuring out exactly what you’ve got up top.
@iridescentsoulx in Frosé over faded Poison
Here’s some key considerations. Thick hair takes longer to absorb color, so you may need to leave the dye on a little longer. At the other end of the spectrum thin hair can absorb color much faster and may need a shorter processing time. Hair porosity (yes that’s a thing) impacts how well your hair absorbs moisture and retains it. High porosity hair may take color quickly and go darker, and the color may fade more quickly once applied. Low porosity hair may be more resistant to absorbing color, because the cuticles are more difficult to open. Finally, elasticity can also impact how well dye is absorbed. Hair with higher levels of elasticity will absorb color well and be less prone to breakage.
Low elasticity can make hair more resistant to color and other treatments. The good news is you can regain elasticity by caring and nurturing your hair over time (hello, hair care routine), which will make your hair stronger and more elastic.
Once you understand your hair type, AND texture - thin, thick, or medium hair, you can apply the knowledge to your color choices.
If you need extra guidance, we’re already one step ahead of you! Find your type and how to color it right here.
Lightening up your hair color
Perhaps you want to try out a new pastel shade but need a lighter base to work with first? Or maybe you have deep purple hair right now and want to jump to something new! Sometimes it’s necessary to lighten hair with bleach before adding a color to ensure it takes fully to the hair and stands out. Our Bleach, Please hair lightening kit is also vegan and cruelty-free like the rest of our range, and has detailed instructions on how to lighten your hair correctly, so it’s a great option if you’re dipping your toes into the lightening world!
The key here is to check how each color will show up depending on the hair level first, and ensure your hair is at the correct level for the look you want to achieve.
For any Foxes out there that don’t already know, hair level just means lightness of your hair - from 1 being a deep black, to 10+ as a platinum blonde.
To achieve a pastel pink look with Frosé for example, you would need a base hair level of 9 or above. If you want the lovely light purple of Periwinkle, start with Level 10+ platinum hair!
@chris0712 in Frosé
@asapashleeyy in Purple AF and Periwinkle
Mo damage, mo problems
If your current hair is just too damaged to take color, all you’ll need is some patience and a nutrient-packed hair care routine. Lucky for you, our vegan and cruelty-free line is waiting to give some much needed TLC to your locks!
Start with Pool Party for a pre-shower hair mask (at least 3 times per week), lather up with Resurrected Shampoo and Conditioner, and finish off with some Money Hunny repair serum on those ends. Consistency is key, fox, so keep that hair regime in check! And don’t forget to treat your locks to heatless hairstyles to keep the hair repair on the upward climb.
And bonus! When your hair is ready for some stunning color, you won’t have to worry about damage when you stick to our range of dyes. Why? They’re packed with nutrients and have deep conditioning properties. Plus, they smell sooo grape!
Post color hair care routine
Taking care of your hair is always important, and post color it pays to nourish your hair and help lock in the new shade and shine for longer.
The AF hair care range is crafted for colored hair making it the perfect option for giving your hair that health kick and new hair day bounce it deserves. Look how @dose_of_jos uses the entire AF hair care range on wash day, working the products together in harmony for optimum hair health and style.
Our pro tip is to wash your hair as sparingly as possible with cool water to maintain it’s condition. If you do need to clean your hair a little more often, try the AF Vacay Volumizing Dry Shampoo for that little refresh you crave in between wash days.
Now you’re all set, Fox! What shade will you try next? Don't forget to tag us @arcticfoxhaircolor in your next look!